A path as long as life itself,
drifting like mist with every step. The thirst to grasp the hidden meaning
leaves echoes of longing in the wind. In shadows deep, thoughts entwine, dreams and hopes like falling petals,hiding the sweetest bloom of now from eyes that search beyond the veil.Yet in this fleeting breath of time,where silent spirits paint the air,
the unknown fades into the present, a single flower in endless light.
Archetypal Body is an exploration of the collective images stored within our subconscious—the ones that surface in our dreams, the characters that shape us, and the unseen forces that hold us in every moment of our existence.
Photographer: Valentin Paster
Sacred Woman is a meditation on the conflicts within a woman's body—where social roles carve through her, leading her into the deepest layers of the Self. It is a journey of recognition, acceptance, and fluidity, embracing the ever-changing movement of life.
Concept, Direction: Nika Kim
Sound: Mikhail Rodionov
Video, Editing: Valentin Paster
Location: El Risko, Gran Canaria